MS33.01: Humphrey Harwood Account Book
Folio 76-Folio 80

Folio 76

Debtors Per Contra

Colo Nathaniel Burwell

Folio 76Colo Nathaniel BurwellDr.
Decemr. 23rdTo 9 days work of Jerry. repairing Chimney & }
putting in 6 backs & plastering overseer's House 6/ pr. D. }
May 4To 2500 bricks @ 2/6 pr. C & 28 bushs. of lime @ 1/.4.10.6
To 6 days work at the Mill.1.10.0
June 24To 28 bushels of lime @ 1/. & 6 days work building up the }
Wall at the Mill @ 6/. }
Per ContraCr.
July 24thBy Anthoney Robards's Order Accepted0.17.6
Septemr. 9By 25 Hhds of Shells from Anthoney Robards @ 1/31.11.3
Decr. 15By 25 hhds of do. of Israel Olvis1.11.3
January 12By 208 lb of Beef @ 5d6.0.0
February 25By your Order on John Basareur Accepted1.18.6

[Colo Nathaniel Burwell][Dr.]
March 7thTo 10 bushels of Oats @ 2/6£1.[illegible].0
18To 15 do. of do @ 2/6 (per P. Burt)1.[illegible].6
22To 10 do. of do @ 2/6 by Thomas Birt.1.5.0
To 50 bushels of lime @ 1/.2.10.0
May 2.To 4 bushels of whitewash @ 2/. & 6 bushels of lime @ 1/. (pr. Joe)0.14.0
11To 8 days work of Nat & Jeary @ 5/. & 4 do. of Edm. Harwood @ 3/92.15.0
Octor. 21To 5 bushels of lime 5/. & 100 Bricks 3/.0.8.0
To 2 days labour of Nat repairing the well & Kitchen Chimney 10/.0.10.0
(Carried to Folio 104)£11.4.6
[Per Contra][Cr.]
March 19By 15½ hhds Shells of Anthony Robards @ 1/3£0.19.4½
By Shells of Bob Willian for 6/. to be paid to Colo. Burwell0.6.0
By 8 hhds James Robards @ 1/30.10.0
June 10By 25 bushels of lime @ 1/ from forces1.5.0
By wood to burn 18 hhds Shells at George Morrisses
July 31By Ditto do. 42 hhds at John Roans
October 27By 22 hhds. Shells from Mr. Burells & wood for do.1.8.6
1787 Januy. 20By a Barrel of Flower from Mr. Dunborton 38/.1.18.0
February 28By 95 lb. of Beef at 51.19.7
March 20By a barrel of Flower 38/.1.18.0
(see posted folo. pr.104)£7.10.11½

The Reverend Robert Andrews

The Reverend Robert AndrewsDr.
1785Dr. Brought from folio [deleted].
Januay. 5th.To 220 bricks 6/. & 4 bushels of lime @ 1/. & labrs. work 3/.£0.13.0
To laying an Harth 2/6 & setting up a Grate 7/60.10.0
To setting up a Grate (up stairs) 3/
Decemr. 9To 2 bushels of Mortar 2/. & pinting Chimney 3/.0.5.0
Januay. 24To 5 bushels of lime 5/. & 350 Bricks @ 3/. & 1 days lar. 2/60.18.0
To underpining 2 sides to Smokehouse, building Well }
hole, & working over plates 10/. }
May 6To 750 Bricks @ 3/. Pr. C & 16 bushels of lime @ 1/.1.18.6
To underpining Smoke-house 12/.0.12.0
To repairing plastering in House 5/ & hair 9d0.5.9
To 2 days of labourers work 5/.0.5.0
14To white-washing 2 passages 9/. & do. Ceiling & Closset 4/
June 27To 24 bushels of lime @ 1/. & 664 bricks 20/.2.4.0
To 3½ days labour @ 2/6 & hair 1/.0.10.9
To underpining porch 10/.0.10.0
To lathing & plastering 80 yds. in Shead @ 6d.0.10.0
To rebuilding steps to Cellar 12/.0.12.0
To do Jambs of Chimney 2/
Octor. 8To 6 bushels of lime 6/. & 150 Bricks 4/60.10.6
To setting up a Grate 7/6 & repairing Cellar Wall 2/60.10.0
To labours work 3/
May 9To lime & Repairing plastering 2/.¾ bushl. whe. wash 1/60.3.6
To whe washing 3 Ceilings @ 2/6, 1 Room & 2 passages @ 4/61.1.0
Dr. brt forward£13.12.0
Sept. 15To lime 1/6 60 bricks 2/. mendg. ye back & layg. an Hearth 3/.0.6.0
Jan. 26.To cash to ball.0.1.6
*[belongs to Nathaniel Burwell Forcey's Quarter Folio 13]
Per ContraCr.
1786 &
By two years' attendance of William on lectures }
in Mathematics }
[There was an omission of a charge of Euclid's Elements]
[for wch I paid after this settlement wch. is entered in the List]
[of accts. settled.]
Folio 77

Debtors Per Contra

Mr. William Carter (Taylor)

Folio 77Mr. William Carter (Taylor)Dr.
Januy. 11thTo 30 bricks @ 3/. per Centum & 2 bushels of lime 2/.£0.3.0
To turning Trimmer & laying Harth & mending }
plastering 5/. & labrs. work 2/. }
Per ContraCr.

Benjamin Waller, Esqr. Senr

Benjamin Waller, Esqr. SenrDr.
Januy. 17thTo 10 bushels of lime 10/. & 60 bricks 2/. & hair. 1/£0.13.0
To repairing back & harth to chimney 2/60.2.6
To 30 larthes 6d & 1 day's labour 2/60.3.0
To Repairing Larthing & plastering 10/.0.10.0
Per ContraCr.
Cr. Carried to folio 101 & there settled
Folio 78

Debtors Per Contra

Mr. Benjamin Waller, junr.

Folio 78Mr. Benjamin Waller, junr.Dr.
March 12thTo 12 bushels of Oats @ 2/6£1.14.0
January 26To ½ bushel of lime 7½d (pr. your man)0.0.7½
(Carried to Folio 101 Setled)£1.10.7½
Per ContraCr.
March 25thBy 81 lb of Beef @ 4d @ Mr. Foxes£1.7.0

Mr. Andrew Marr

Mr. Andrew MarrDr.
1787Dr. Brought from folio 32
April 20th To 59 [illegible] Bricks [illegible] Pr C£8.7.0
twice chargedTo 7 Days labour @ 2/6. [deleted] kitchen 8/.1.5.6
1788To laying an Hearth 2/6. & buildg Chimney [deleted]
Octor. 9To 4 bushels of lime @ 4/. peck of Hair /6 & mendg plasterg 7/
--- This should be charged to ye Corporation instead of Mr. Mary vide ante
Carried to folio 124
Per ContraCr.
April 20thBy 400 Bricks taken away & 12 bushels of Mortar£1.4.0
May 8.By Cash 6/.0.6.0
June 21.By Cash 18/0.18.0

The Reverend John Bracken

The Reverend John BrackenDr.
1785Dr. Brought from Folio (38).£9.18.4
March 31stTo 4 bushels of Oats @ 2/60.10.0
April 21To 3 bushels of do. @ 2/60.7.6
May 14To 300 bundles of Fodther @ 3/
Octor. 11To 12 bushels of wheat @ 6/.3.12.0
Novr. 26To 2 bushels of mortar 2/. & repairing plastering 2/60.4.6
Decemr. 9To 3 bushs. of Mortar 3/. 40 larthes 7½d & 150 Nails 9d.0.4.4½
To Repairing Larthing & Plastering 3/90.3.9
April 7To 6 bushels of Oats @ 2/60.15.0
13To 83 lb. of Fodther @ 6/ Pr. C.0.5.0
Decemr. 10To Repairing plastering in 2 Rooms & passages & do. a Cealing2.5.0
To 6 Days labr. @ 2/60.15.0
Januay. 20thTo 8 bushels of lime 8/. & 895 Bricks @ 3/. pr C.1.14.0
To larthing & plastering 96 yds @ 6d. in Kitchen2.8.0
To Repairing do. upstares 15/. & 8 days labr. @ 2/61.15.0
To Ditto Kitchen Chimney & Oven 24/. & laying harth 3/
March 24To White-washing 8 Rooms & 2 passages @ 4/62.5.0
To do 4 Rooms [illegible] Kitchen £4/.0.16.0
To 5½ bushels of White-wash @ 2/.0.11.0
Novemr. 16To 2400 Bricks @ 30/. & 14 days labour @ 2/65.7.0
To building a Chimney to Landary 50/.2.10.0
To underpining do. & Smoke House 30/.1.10.0
To laying 4 Hearths @ 2/6. & repairing 2 do. 2/60.12.6
To do do. to Landary 3/6 & floor 12/60.16.0
To plastering 2 Chimnies 5/. & to 4 days labr. 10/0.15.0
Carried to Folio 121£41.18.5½
Per ContraCr.
1785Cr. Brought forward£7.4.0
April 19thBy 19½ hhds Shells from Glebe @ 1/31.4.[illegible]
May 20By Two Mares put to your Horse @ 60/ Each6.0.0
May 8By one Ditto put to your Do. 60/3.0.0
Folio 79

Debtors Per Contra

Mrs. Jane Vobe

Folio 79Mrs. Jane VobeDr.
1785Brought from Folio (11)£13.5.5
April 29thTo 9 bushels of lime 9/. & 350 bricks @ 3/.0.19.6
To 2 days labr. 5/. & building cellar Steps 10/.0.15.0
To repairing the underpining to ye porch 2/60.2.6
To the repairing the Wall & Stove 3/90.3.9
Per ContraCr.
1785DCr. Brought from folio 11.£3.19.0
April 29thBy 42 bricks taken away.0.1.3
June 24By a Virble Order from Richard Eggleston for1.16.0
Septemr. 1By an old Worthless ox Cart4.0.0

Mr. Thomas Whorton

Mr. Thomas WhortonDr.
1785Dr. Brought from 53£5.17.6
May 9thTo 6 bushels of lime 6/.0.6.0
June 21To 6 bushels of lime 6/.0.6.0
August 26To 4 do of do 4/.0.4.0
Octor. 23To 1 Bushel of White-wash (per Will) 2/.0.2.0
26To 1 bushel of do 2/0.2.0
Februy. 3To a Calf Skin 3/9 (8th) to 2 bushels of lime 2/.0.5.9
April 15To 6 bushs: of lime @ 1/0.6.0
To the Difference of the Calf Skins0.13.9
March 20To 1 bushel of lime 1/.0.1.0
May 11To 1 Veal Skin 4/. & 1 Steer Hide & 2 Cow's hides @ 10/.1.14.0
27To 3 bushels of lime 3/. & Veal Skin 4/60.7.6
July 8To 3 do of do 3/.(24.) To a Veal Skin 4/60.7.6
24To 1 do of White-wash 2/.0.2.0
August 5To an Ox Hide 12/6 & 3 bushels of lime 3/.0.15.6
Septr. 9To 3 bushels of lime 3/. (October 11th) to 3½ bushs of lime0.3.6
To Cash overpaid 2/10 (at wch. time was paid you £4.7.4)
October 11To Cash £
1788 16
Sepr. 6 To 2/. in Ballance of all accts. & particularly of }
a note of Hand given him & not returned as pr. Rect. Book }
Per ContraCr.
Octor. 26thBy 1 hide of sole leather 20/. & 2 sides 18/.£1.18.0
April 7By Mr. Whorton's Account to this Day in Cluding}
the above Article, and some Errors Corrected. }
October 11By 7¾lb. of Sole Leather @ 1/6 & 9½lb. of do
By a Calf Skin 3½d
Octor. 8By his Account this day delivered in & settled4.14.6
Folio 80

Debtors Per Contra

Mr. John Basserear (musick Master)

Folio 80Mr. John Basserear (musick Master)Dr.
1785Brought forward from Folio 19.£11.12.1
Septemr. 19To 2 pair of Shoes @ 4/.0.8.0
October 3To 44 bushels of lime @ 1/. & 9 days labour @ 2/63.6.6
To Building Cellar wall to your House 90/.4.10.0
12To 4 bushels of Wheat @ 6/.1.4.0
To 1 Barrel of Corn 15/. Decr. 3rd to ½ bushel 1/60.16.6
Januy. 16To 234 lb of Oats @ 7/6 pr. C. (Februy. 14th) To 326 lb. do. @ 7/
February 25To Colo. Nathaniel Burwell's Order 38/61.18.6
June 6To 2 bushels of corn @ 5/.0.10.0
July 23To a Qr.of Veal 5/60.5.6
January 13To 1 barrel of Corn 18/.0.18.0
Februy. 2To 2 Barrels of Corn @ 18/. & 250 bundles of fodther @ 3/2.3.6
5To 12 bushels of lime 12/. & repairing plastering 12/.1.4.0
To contracting Chimney & laying an Harth 10/.0.10.0
To 3 days labour @ 2/6 & ¾ of a bushel of Hair 1/60.9.0
To ½ bushl. of White-wash 1/. & white washing a Room & }
passage @ 4/6. }
(Carried to folio (106)£32.7.5
Per ContraCr.
Decemr. 28thBy 7 Lessons Given Betsey on Spinnet from
August 1785 to the Day above mentioned.
Septemr. 6From the Time above mentioned to this day 8 Lessons
26This Day Jamey (a boy) hired for the year for 60/ & taken & Sold }
by Execution To Satisfy a Debt of Wm Hornsby }

Mr. David Morton

Mr. David MortonDr.
July 16thTo 6 bushels of lime 6/. & hair 1/.£0.7.0
To labours work 2/. & repairing larthing & plas-}
tering to the dormant windows 10/. }
18thTo ¾ bushel of White-wash 1/
To whitewashing 3 Rooms & a passage @ 4/
June 10To 40 bushels of lime @ 1/. & 6334 Bricks @ 30/. per [illegible]11.10.0
To 7 days labour @ 2/60.17.6
12To 25 bushels of lime @ 1/. & 334 bricks 10/.1.15.0
To building Cellar Wall & digging do 100/.5.0.0
July 25To 26 bushels of lime @ 1/. & 6½ days labr. @ 2/62.12.3
August 18To 3264 bricks @ 30/. pr. Mo & 60 bushls Lime @ 1. & 4 days lar. 10/6.17.0
22To 866 Do. 26/. 60 bushls. lime 60/. & 6 do. hair @ 2/.4.18.0
To building Chimney 70/. turning trimmer & laying harth 5/.3.15.0
To 2100 larthes 31/6. Lathing & plastering 137 yds. @ 6½d5.4.8
Novemr. 9To 8 bushels of lime 8/. & 140 bricks 4/30.12.3
To laying hearth in House 8/6. to do. Kitchen. & Back 6/0.8.6
May 29To Cash to Ballance 45/82.5.8
(Carried to Folio 116)£46.7.3
Per ContraCr.
Novemr. 14By 150 Bricks left 1/6. Since he is made use of them£0.1.6
June 15By 25 bushels of lime @ 1/. taken away (Augt. 12th) by Cash 60/.4.5.0
August 21By Cash 60/. (22nd) by 7 bushels of Mortar 7/. (Novr. 18th 82 lb. beef @ 3d4.7.6
Decr. 23By do. 60/.3.0.0
January 18By Sundaryes to this Day to amount34.13.3